The business purpose of Bordier FinLab SA will be to find innovative solutions via traditional & non-traditional investment funds, private equity and complex structured products. Based on different investment criteria, the managers of Bordier & Cie will be able to invest in new seed funds, hence encouraging the emergence of new talent, while offering high value-added potential.

"Discovering new talent capable of designing innovative funds is a crucial factor for future performance. With Bordier FinLab, we are looking beyond traditional approaches, with the aim of developing new, ground breaking solutions that meet the needs of today’s investors and those of tomorrow. By launching an independent entity that nevertheless benefits from the bank’s support, and also its network, this work can be performed with the necessary intellectual and operational independence", explains VĂ©ronique Grossen & Bertrand Clavien (Board members of Bordier FinLab SA).

To give more weight to this approach, Bordier FinLab SA will work with a circle of established institutional partners (comprising a limited number of banks, family offices and independent asset managers).

Finally, Bordier FinLab will provide technology intelligence for developments affecting the banking industry (crowdfunding, fintech, etc.),and if applicable, will be used as an incubator for the Bordier Group.