CTG – a division of ILX Group that provides tailored training programmes to the financial community and corporates, has launched its third edition of The Investment Banker’s Handbook. Reportedly, it covers the technical requirements for those working in investment banking, research, asset management and private equity.
Geoff Robinson, head of Business Development at CTG and co-author of The Investment Banker’s Handbook, said: “There simply isn’t a comparable text on the market. The handbook has been written by a team of CTG tutors with a wealth of training experience and reflects the expertise CTG has gained in training the world’s leading financial institutions over the last 15 years. Ideas are presented in a clear and digestible format and the handbook is packed with practical and up-to-date advice and real world examples rather than academic theory.”
Co-authors of The Investment Banker’s Handbook include Dave Marlow, Peter Evans, Innes Wright, and Gaggan Dhaliwal who are all full time tutors at CTG. It has been reported that the book has been distributed to client organisations such as Citigroup, Terra Firma, Merrill Lynch, Barclays Capital, HSBC and Rothschild.