The currency price analysis tool compares prices from 10-minute increments to 30 days. The new chart provides forex traders with an overview of how a currency has performed and offers some insight into how it may move in the future.
The addition of stop loss and profit target guidance may provide investors with an insight regarding when to get in and when to get out of the forex market. A confidence interval of 68.7% has been added to the existing 95% to provide an more specific analysis for forex traders.
Moreover, it has added historic performance chart for the price analysis tool that allows forex traders to view how accurate the predictions were from 30 days ago.
Muhammad Hafeez, software developer for ForexEgg, said: “It’s our goal to provide as many tools as possible so forex traders can feel more confident about their trade decisions. We provide the tools; they make the decisions. Our goal is to continue to develop helpful tools to assist our customers in their analysis of their forex trading decisions.”