Interactive Data’s end-of-day pricing and reference data is now available through InvestEdge’s wealth management platform, which is utilized by investment firms to manage, measure and report on high net worth portfolios.
Clients of InvestEdge also have the option to access bond-level risk measures derived by BondEdge, Interactive Data’s fixed income portfolio analytics platform, to help identify opportunities and analyze portfolio risk using advanced modeling techniques.
Jeff Cowley, senior vice president of business development at InvestEdge, said: “The combination of Interactive Data’s comprehensive market data and fixed income analytics provides our clients with the ability to perform sophisticated risk measures on a wide range of securities. Our clients benefit from streamlined access to important financial data that can be leveraged for on-line analysis of accounts, performance measurement and reporting.”
Cort Williams, president for institutional sales at Interactive Data, said: “The delivery of our market data through InvestEdge’s sophisticated technology platform, together with analytical measures from BondEdge, can help financial institutions perform key front office functions such as portfolio management, risk analysis, and compliance.”