The strategic partnership focuses on enhancing the Jordan Ahli Bank’s IT capacity in the areas of enterprise program for IT transformation, core banking project, service oriented architecture, debit card management system and payment switch replacement, system management, integrated desktop at the bank and call center, customer relationship management, and operational data store and business intelligence.

Samer Abu Zayed, deputy CEO of group IT and enterprise program at Jordan Ahli Bank, said: We trust that solutions provided by Microsoft will bolster our IT infrastructure, ensuring our continuous success in serving our customers and further strengthening our position as one of the most innovative financial institutions in the region.”

Rula Ammuri, country manager of Microsoft Jordan, said: “Jordan Ahli Bank is striving for increased efficiencies in this ever-increasing complexity of the financial services industry, therefore they will be investing in a comprehensive IT transformation using the latest innovations from Microsoft to become the bank of the future.”