DataView360 is a solution with functionality enabling internal and external data access, attribute set creation and maintenance, scorecard model implementation, unlimited decisioning as well as retro scoring processes.

Meta enlisted GDS Link’s DataView360 as an underwriting tool for two lending programs. First, Meta applies an underwriting application tool to approve customers and establish credit lines for its small dollar line of credit that is tied to a prepaid card.

Meta also aggregates disparate credit bureau data with scoring models for underwriting its unique tax season-related line of credit, offered to individuals prior to receipt of their tax refund. Meta must accept information from credit bureaus as well as the information submitted by customers. Because DataView360 can be modified to any client’s specific needs, GDS Link was able to layer the technology into Meta’s existing architecture, resulting in a two-month implementation time for a complex underwriting process.

Craig Johnson, director of portfolio risk management at Meta Payment Systems, said: “We required a platform to merge credit data with other internal and external sources to feed custom built scoring models, and then program these to accurately calculate consumer risk. GDS Link’s nimble, configurable technology addressed those needs and provided the capabilities to manage high application volumes without sacrificing quick response times.

“There is no time for manual review or error. GDS Link supports the technology to streamline our underwriting and provides the expertise to guide us through the proper control of these systems for greater accuracy and compliance.”

Paul Greenwood, president of GDS Link, said: “DataView360’s modular design eliminates the burden of making wholesale changes to any organization’s legacy infrastructure, therefore improving time to market and supporting a rapid ROI. Meta Payment Systems took advantage of its configurability and simple integration to benefit from increased productivity, reduced costs and greater accuracy.”