As part of its drive to provide customers with service options and a competitive fee structure in tune with market trends, Qatar National Bank (QNB) has rolled out new reduced fees that apply to its various products and services – reported AME Info.

QNB has reduceed its fees across many areas, including the total elimination of penalty charges for account balances falling below the minimum threshold. Now, it has been reported that all of the Bank’s Current, Savings, Savings Plus and Call Account holders enjoy zero-balance accounts that provide them with the same benefits as before, reported the newspaper.

The bank slashed the annual fees on its Platinum, Gold and Silver credit cards up to 50% and reduced Foreign Money Transfer fees for transactions via EAZYLife, the Bank’s suite of eBanking channels by 60%. According to the newspaper, QNB also reduced charges on various other services including safety deposit box rentals, as well as the tariffs on cheque books uncollected for up to one month, and personalized debit card replacements by up to 50%. QNB also reduced its charges for counter cheques, standing order utility payment rejections due to insufficient funds and post-dated cheques.