Societe Generale, a France-based banking group, plans to install Olympic Banking System from ERI, to manage its private banking business in Lugano, Switzerland. In acquiring Olympic Banking System, Societe Generale Lugano is benefiting from a platform which offers both functional coverage and is tailored to meet local requirements. This choice enables the bank’s business to be up and running fast and in complete security.
The establishment of Societe Generale private banking in the Ticino region reflects its intention to develop its business in Switzerland where the bank is seeking to develop the wealthy client segment, ultra high net worth individuals (UHNI), even further.
In addition to Geneva, Lausanne and Zurich, the French group uses Olympic Banking System in the UK, Greece, Hong Kong, Jersey, Guernsey, Gibraltar, Singapore, the Bahamas and in Japan.
Michel Mathys, sales director at ERI, said: “This new contract is the fruit of the trust shown by one of the major players in the banking world not only in our product, but in the partnership with ERI. For us, client interaction is essential and we have recently taken steps to increase this still further.”
ERI is a Switzerland-based company specialising in the design, development, distribution and support of the integrated, real time banking and wealth management software products.