SPMS is the Dutch medical specialist pension fund and an obligatory sector scheme responsible for the retirement provision of independent medical specialists in the Netherlands.
With nearly 13.000 scheme members and over EUR5bn of assets under management in defined benefit schemes, it is considered as one of the 25 largest pension funds in the Netherlands.
Aviva Investors said that its global real estate multi manager team will be working closely with SPMS to take on the investment management of its existing global real estate portfolio, which currently comprises 34 unlisted holdings across the Netherlands and the rest of Europe, as well as America and Asia Pacific.
It will also assist in deriving a suitable real estate strategy for SPMS’ portfolio going forward as the fund completes its wider asset-liability matching and strategic review through 2011.
Headed by Nick Mansley, global director of multi manager at Aviva Investors, the real estate multi manager team compromises 21 investment professionals located in London, New York & Singapore.