According to the agreement, the firm will enable users under 18 years to send and receive payments through online and mobile.

YuuPay CEO Gregory Chia said that offering Virtual Piggy as a payment enabler to their users gives YuuPay a unique competitive edge in the market.

"Parents around the world want to ensure that their children are conducting secure online financial transactions under their supervision and in our opinion, Virtual Piggy is the only solution that fills that need perfectly," Chia added.

Expressing views on the new deal with YuuPay, the CEO and founder of YuuPay, Jo Webber said that joining hands with YuuPay brings Virtual Piggy’s technology to merchants around the world.

"Under 18s who want to conduct transactions within the impressive network of YuuPay’s clients can now do so securely and under their parent’s indirect supervision," Webber said.

Virtual Piggy’s online payment solution is parent approved and managed and need not share any personal information making it completely Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) compliant and TRUSTe certified, said the firm.